How would you like to get paid for using social media?

If you have spent at least 10 minutes on social media or the internet, you have likely been served an ad offering you to work from home, earn cash fast, get rewards for taking a poll along with endless online rabbit holes you can go down offering you cash for your time, but unfortunately there is rarely a payday at the end of the rainbow.


I’ve rarely found success with these offers or Apps outside of the MyVegas App. MyVegas is a pair of apps for Facebook, iPhone, and Android where you play some casion games like blackjack or the slot machines with virtual cash. When you win on the App, you earn real rewards, like show tickets and meals, at a number of participating Las Vegas’ best resorts. I have an aunt that uses this app regularly to earn rewards for her biannual trips to Vegas.

This week APPICS stated, “the concept of turning “likes” into currency has proven its feasibility and capability, as seen on with their upvoting system” (APPICS, 2018). Basically the company is going to be offering crypto currency for you using their app for online browsing and social media.

I always like the joke from comedian Steven Wright, “If it’s a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone, somewhere is making a penny.” Let’s see if this new plan to pay users in crypto currency works out for the users.

According to Connor Blenkinsop, “The network is proposing that 65 percent of the revenue generated from content would be returned directly to creators, with 25 percent being pocketed by the users who supported their post by liking it meaning they can benefit without creating content themselves. The final 10 percent would be reinvested into the platform and to support the ecosystem. Unlike conventional social networks, not all “likes” will be equal. Voting power and influence is powered by APPICS tokens, the platform’s currency, and how many they have in their account. When voting, a “like bar” will enable users to decide how much support they want to give to another post. To prevent an influential account from liking content en masse, daily voting power would be finite” (Blendkinsop, 2018).

I rolled the dice and purchased Bitcoin in December 2017. The price has decreased in value and today my bitcoin holdings are worth half of what I purchased them for. Will this new cryptocurrency that APPICS be worth anything for your time? The idea of being paid for your social media usage is certainly appealing. Companies have been mining and selling data for a long time without the end user getting paid for their time. Time will tell is this will shake things up in the world on social media.



APPICS. (2018, March). THE DECENTRALIZED AND DISTRIBUTED SOCIAL APP. Retrieved March 24, 2018, from

Blenkinsop, C. (2018, March 25). Social Media App to Reward Users For Their Time With Cryptocurrency. Retrieved March 25, 2018, from


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